Raw Cacao Mousse with Irish Moss



There seems to be a trendy ingredient as of late…Irish Moss. I see it pop up in all the raw vegan pies and puddings in fancy juice bars and vegan cafes, and have been a bit confused as to what it is and how to use it. It is a gelatin substitute and thickening agent that creates a fluffy texture in recipes.

This is a 2 day process that requires overnight soaking, so you can make this ahead! Not at the last minute, or you will be sad.

Irish Moss How-to

Buy Irish Moss from your local health food store or Whole Foods. I used the Divine Organics brand. Irish Moss is actually a type of seaweed and is full of trace minerals such as magnesium, super important for your health!

1. Grab a cup of moss from the bag and place in a very large bowl. It will be in large kelp-like leaves. It will smell like horrible fish and the sea. Don’t be afraid (I was!).  Add water to cover by a couple of inches. There will be sand and weird white and black gritty things covering the moss, as it is from the sea. Soak overnight or all day long.

2. After at least 6 hours, the moss will double in size and be lighter in color. Rinse the moss a few times with cold water until you no longer have sandy bits falling into the bowl.

3. Add soaked moss with 1.5 cups of fresh water (not the soaking water) and blend in a food processor or Vitamix until totally blended and gel-like in consistency.

4. Store in a container up to a week.

Raw Cacao Mousse Recipe

(Makes four 6oz puddings, but you can use smaller containers to make more cups!)

5 Pitted Dates (soaked overnight or add boiling water and soak 5 mins)

1/4 C. Brazil Nuts (soaked overnight or add boiling water and soak 5 mins)

3/4 C. Irish Moss puree

1 C. Almond Milk

1/2 C. Full Fat Coconut Milk

2 Tbsp. Maple Syrup

1/2 Tbsp Vanilla Extract

3 Tbsp Raw Cacao Powder (if using cocoa powder, use 4 tbsp as cacao is stronger)

Pinch of sea salt

Raw Cacao Nibs, for sprinkling on top


1. Combine soaked brazil nuts and dates in food processor or vitamix and blend until mostly combined, scraping down the sides if needed.

2. Add Irish Moss puree and cacao powder, blend until smooth.

3. Add remaining almond milk, coconut milk, salt, maple syrup, and vanilla extract, blending for a few minutes until completely smooth and chunk free. Taste to make sure it is sweet enough to your liking before pouring it into cups!

4. Pour into 4 mini mason jars or ramekins, sprinkle with cacao nibs, and let chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. The Irish Moss takes a bit of time to set up and become firm.

5. Enjoy!

One thought on “Raw Cacao Mousse with Irish Moss

  1. Pingback: Raw Mango Mousse With Irish Moss | lilyloveslocal

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